The 15 -minute recipe application is a useful resource that provides many recipes proven for sweet and savory bites, such as aperitifs and desserts. Everything is simple, and you only need a few ingredients to prepare a delicious meal in less than 30 minutes with the detailed instructions of the application.
A large collection of recipes to try
You can find the right dishes by looking for in the current recipe library, which contains many separate options for each category of food and even more. Consequently, the result varies and you can approach any recipe by focusing on minor details such as ingredients or cooking techniques. Recipes also include a detailed list of tools or utensils necessary to prepare the dish, which facilitates the choice or location of the right recipe.
Get the details before cooking
Before you immerse yourself in the details of creating a delicious dessert so that you can take advantage of it, the application will first show you all the parameters and steps that must be completed to continue the process. This information includes the number of calories provided, the number of portions, the unit conversion graphics, the ingredients and the tools necessary to prepare the dish in time allocated. More information is also useful because it demonstrates the interest of the application for a specific recipe and guarantees that you prepare the dish correctly to take advantage of it and relax later.
Discover new recipes with unique tastes
It is always exciting to learn new recipes, especially when so many different are available, each requiring a different type of liquid or flavoring agent. This considers your interests, your preferences and various other factors to provide you with recipe recommendations that stand out or suit you to start preparing and effectively cooking food. In addition, during navigation, you can sign specific recipes, which facilitates them later and often allowing you to cook a dish that has become a favorite.
Find your new recipes with smart research
Since the culinary needs of each person are unique and extremely varied, the system includes a search option based on the preferred or appropriate elements of the user. The system will present to you recipes that meet your criteria or use similar ingredients, and you will receive several options to reduce the scope of research results. Due to this feature, you will not have to look for ingredients by name if you do not already know them; Instead, you can focus on the ingredients that most of them prick your interest and immerse yourself in the world of cooking in the way you suit you.
Detailed instructions for the kitchen
In addition to giving all the basic information, the instructions for each recipe is correct and go deep into the details, including the right way to prepare the ingredients. It will include other factors of heat or wet conditions for other ingredients. Different types of food have different ways to cook and try, and you can read or use the application vocal narration to get the best results for the kitchen. There are also visuals at certain stages, giving you more precision and the order to add the ingredients.